5 Things To Do When You Can't Get A Job After Graduation
A major challenge many young people like myself face after graduating from college or university is getting a job.
School was not a bed of roses and although it came with it's fun, you're out now to begin a new struggle. This struggle is even tougher in underdeveloped and poorly managed countries like Nigeria.
Here are a few things you can do when you can't get a job after college.
If you're one who still live with your parents or family, not getting a job has essentially given you more time to spend, connect and bond with them. Lend a helping hand to your parents and guardians while you wait for something positive to come out from your situation. Clean the house, cook meals, take care of your younger ones, run errands and more. Remember, no good time spent with family is wasted.
2. LEARN A SKILL (preferably, a digital skill)
While you can't get a job, you have an opportunity to learn a skill. It could be baking, sewing, hair dressing, makeup, electronics repair or anything. As long as it's something you're interested in or passionate about. These skills could help you build a source of income. Personally I prefer to learn a digital skill. This is because the world keeps advancing and so does technology, so so to put yourself in a better position of a long term career and better source of income, you need to advance along with technology. Know a thing or two about technology, something that can increase your value to an organization that may require your services. Digital skills are unending, get in touch with one that interests you and perfect it. It could be web design, copywriting, digital marketing, data science, data analysis etc. Skillshare and other online learning platforms have made these easier. Use this link to access skillshare and browse their many courses.
Take the time you have while you can't get a job to engage in physical body movements. This helps to keep you fit and healthy. It could be by playing a sport you love so much, running a couple miles a day, doing a couple stretches a day, a number of squats or push-ups. Any form of exercise that helps you move your body everyday.
Dedicate your time to doing something that you love regularly and consistently. It could be consistency in exercising as discussed above if that's something you're into. You could start a gym routine, a body care routine, a fitness routine (could also be a meditation routine, for instance yoga).
You could decide to start building a permanent source of income by selling your personal brand. This basically means selling YOU and what you're good at. It could be by starting your own website where you talk about you and what you you're good at, like I do on my blog (PS: I haven't started earning on this blog as at the time of posting this, because as it says in my 'About Me", I'm sharing my experiences. We're living this adulthood together, so I'm sharing with you what I'm trying out. Let's all win together). It could also be by starting a YouTube channel about what you're good at or taking to Instagram and building what you're good at and drawing brands to partner with you, earning you some cool money 💰. This is one of the course I took on skillshare about building your personal brand. Check out the course on skillshare 👇🏽
Please share other ideas you have with me in comments.
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